
Evil- profoundly immoral and malevolent.  Star System- a large number of stars with perceptible structure.  Evil presents itself in many forms to man. Thus, evil is here, on this day, on this planet amongst us. And, that which is powerfully intense and overwhelming, that which consumes the...

This note follows up with my lecture, The Nature of Man, to whom which, the following students attended: Abhash D. Abhijahi F. Anin M. Debjat S. Devesh A. Kalam E. Linda M. Nira E. Robert W. Sundar K. Thomas F. As I sit and ponder, I am perplexed by the nature and the characteristics of man. Man, by...

The restriction, or if you will boundary of distance. If, limit is denoted (L). Then, (L) denotes the absence of distance. Which in turn is the limit, or boundary. Thus, dimensions -1 through dimension -4 can be imagined as the absence of denotion. Where dimensions -1 through -3 are one-dimensional. And...

The powers to be have been busy lately trying to position themselves for the game of the millennium. I've had a long time on Earth to make enemies. The enemies want me to depart, and soon I'll grant them their wish, but before I do...

Premise 1: Simulations can only exist in a computer or a mind. Premise 2: The universe is a simulation. Premise 3: A simulation on a computer still must be simulated in a mind. Premise 4: Therefore, the universe is a simulation in a mind (2,3). Premise 5: This mind... The Physics of Nothing by Micah Branch Please kindly read, review and comment on my other essays: 1. What is Reality? 2. Is the Universe Real? It could be, that which what we call an impossibility of understanding about the nature of reality, about the universe, is possible...

Abstract Let’s assume that we are at a point. And with a point I mean where we are or would be without a single thought, without a single feeling, without a single sensation sensed, and without a single intuitive thing being intuitive. This is all in...